Mushroom Chips
Carrot Chips
Ampalaya Chips
Seakid Crispy Dilis in Teriyaki Style
Seakid Crispy Pusit in Teriyaki Style
Seakid Crispy Spicy Dilis (Anchovies) in Teriyaki Style
Seakid Crispy Spicy Pusit in Teriyaki Style
Seakid Mixed Pusit & Dilis in Teriyaki Style
Round Cut Banana Chips
Bahaghari Banana Chips
Saba Banana Chips - Broken Chips
Saba Banana Chips Quarter Cut Chip
Saba Banana Chips Whole Round Cut
Saba Banana Flavored Chips
Croley Sunflower Biscuits
SUPERSTIX Wafer Sticks
Captain Sid Butong Pakwan
Ding Dong - Supermix Nuts
Croley Pair and Mambo Biscuits
REBISCO Cracker Sandwich

For buyers

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For suppliers

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We have found 25 products listed under Snack Foods for sale being offered by suppliers and manufacturers. Check out the top wholesale snack suppliers and distributors in the Philippines. Leading Filipino manufacturers of snacks produce a wide array of salty chips, cakes, breads, biscuits, candies, and chocolates. These ready to eat snacks are found on supermarkets and groceries. Healthier snack foods are also available which are gaining popularity. Low sugar and low calorie snacks saw an increase in sales in the recent years. The list of snack food importers can be found here. The list is from the directory provided by the Department of Trade and Industry.